Thursday, September 23, 2010

Always Get A Rash When Waxing

caught my attention that a friend who was with acidity, a traditional medicine doctor told him to stop milk consumption. This coincides with what he says natural medicine, that milk and its derivatives generate excessive acidity in the body.
By consuming milk or sugar, blood is acidic, as this can not happen because it will damage the tissue, the body turns to his reserves of calcium to offset the acidity and the pH of your body in 7, which would value neutral. When we no longer reserves left, the body draws calcium from bones or teeth to offset the acidity of the body. This results in fragile bones that we have and in some cases, osteoporosis.
Look how often to eat something very sweet one feels the urge to eat something salty, this is one of the ways that the body alkaline. So when you have some problems, usually due to the acidity of the body, and if so what is recommended is to take salty vegetable broth with salt. The broth should be doing it yourself, do not use ice cubes.
I would say that in case of acidity, eliminate dairy and everything related to sugar minutes, including soft drinks.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Expanding Memory In Laptops

acidity crisis Second Stage

At the entrance of September 1, 2010 put the first stage of the crisis of detox I had, here I describe the second stage. Today is the day
thirty-seven, my last meal yesterday at six o'clock when I woke up at 1 in the morning drenched in perspiration take warm water with a tablespoon of olive oil, lemon and teaspoon honey, then I slept until 5 am
I dismissed a lot of gas with phlegm as espuma.Como body was not, I put in a pot of vegetables, sea salt and made a alkalizing broth, take about a liter and time I went to evacuate. I was surprised because what appeared was the natural pea that had eaten the previous day and the black beans that had eaten for forty-eight hours, these pulses apparently ignited my gut and began to ferment. So for now I have to eat vegetables because the digestive capacity of my body does not tolerate. For those interested in cleaning with the stock entering the Palmetti Nestor page and read Bowel article with water and salt. I do it more tolerable, I make a broth with lots of vegetables and that is much richer to take that water with salt.
Today is day 42 and become aware that I am with hepatitis. Not with a hepatitis with bile locked but with a very delicate liver after being subjected to fifteen liver cleanses, says Carlos de Vilanova, each cleaning the liver undergoes an operation without a scalpel and then have to take care until reset. Being in that process I see this crisis of pneumonia, which did not grab my liver very well off. So I decided to do but rest and give more care, and later would be cutting the grass. A detail is that after a busy day a little bit, The next day was pressed, I could move.
My mom told me that when she tube pneumonia, the doctor had told him that at night to drink a glass of warm milk with honey. Fatal error. Take milk, I went up the heat and after a while is like having a bunch of cats fighting in my gut. I react very strongly my large intestine and brown phlegm me constipated. It cost me sleep at night. That night sweat a lot.
Today is the day forty-six, sweat a lot during the night. During the morning cough a lot. Avoid strenuous activity, today I came out mucus in the stool.
Today is the day forty-seven and left more transparent mucus like aa photo of the entrance of September 1, 2010. At about twelve o'clock at night it seems that my body temperature rises to burn something. Then comes the perspiration to lower the temperature. That's where I wake up all wet from perspiration from head to chest. When I look at these slides I have the idea that they are a type of parasites because they have a well defined, obviously my body is with a lot of energy because the driving and all I'm doing is a very light diet, so that the digestion is minimal and the body has more energy to do the cleaning. The point of diagnosis of Oriental medicine I feel a little touch is the one on the bottom of the ribs and corresponding to the liver. I was reading about biliary ascariasis is very interesting cases. DETAIL
IMPORTANT: In these 48 days of detox crisis only once gums bleed a little, when I ate a piece of cake. Just one reason to have begun with liver cleanses was bleeding from the gums had.
At forty-nine days ended fever and perspiration at night. I'm with a lot of energy, I am still coughing and spitting. And slept well during the night. Reading Bernard Jensen in his book Science and Practice of Iridology, which advised taking ground flax to cleanse the bowel, linen and take out as many adhesions bowel where they were installed and well-lit clear mucus-like worms.
If the bowel is not very sensitive, flax can be taken by diluting a tablespoon in a cup of hot water. If the bowel is weak ground flax should boil water, let it sit and then strain to take it.
Thank God it appears that the crisis lasted seven weeks, forty-nine days, today is the day fifty, and went out to walk, mow the lawn, slept well, no sweat at night. I have a little cold that I'm coughing. Today is the day
fifty-one and fecal matter out what you see in the picture, looks like skin that line the intestine, can be amoebas or the intestine is being regenerated. I have a little disgraced the right node of the throat.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pains After Eating Apple

detox rubbing with the washcloth

Face In article bulldog woman, a woman said that after four months to make the bathrooms derivatives, has rejuvenated the impression that about ten years. That severely depleted the skin laxity
The same happens when a rising quickly passed a tissue throughout the body, as the body cools the surface, the blood goes to heat the skin and in contact with air eliminates toxins, what comes out is so acid that the wipes used fast break, starting to get hard. Many people say that wipes they use, are as rags then, look at the picture as it breaks the note pad.
not the same bath to spend the wet towel, because bathing is a sharp change of temperature and body position in maintaining body temperature before removing toxins.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome To

I've been going 24 days detox crisis. I started to feel like you hurt me the body, so undermine the minimum food intake by taking in the morning the juice of a lemon, at ten a lime juice, a boiled potato for lunch, etx. A night at about one o'clock I woke up drenched in a cold perspiration, cold as metal, wet from head to pecho.La lung power associated with the energy of the metal. Apparently I was doing a cleaning of the lung. The first day the urine was dark brown, yellow stay after dark, with much mucus, so I was producing a kidney cleanse. I had no energy to lift the arms to comb my hair or dry my hair. Remember that the arms pass the lung meridian. I cooled the three fingers of his right hand, thumb, index and middle, both in turn related respectively to the lung, intestine and heart. The tongue had swollen and inflamed. Everyday
kept the evacuation of the womb, taking juice plums or using a bulb with natural water. In the evening heard noises of liquids and valves that were opened and closed on my chest, my lungs were obviously full of phlegm, note that if I put a pillow high, better tolerated at night. When the pillow is low, phlegm pervasive lungs and makes breathing difficult.
The blood was dirty, as if I woke up dizzy me fast, remember the model of the bottle. I went to sleep, no tv, no internet, not books, and I had no energy, the body was taking up most of my energy to make the process of repair and cleaning. A psychological level the model serves as one thinks it is clean and you are sick.
At 21 days as the process continued with the same intensity, ie the night I soaked it all, and not so cold, I had already completed the process of the kidney and the urine was clear, I took the drops of the diclorito MMS or sodium. I started taking three drops, the other day I took four, the next five, then six. I'm more energetic, but not to walk far.
In my opinion I have is an invasion of entaoameba coli in the lungs, and two parasitological that I did, I gave colli amoeba cysts. Also in the fecal maeria at eighteen days out a clear mucus but with a well defined, then out again to twenty-one days. That was one reason I decided to take the drops of sodium diclorito.
At eighteen days I came out a thick white layer of about 3 mm thick on the tongue, looking frightened. This was repeated twice.
In the first fifteen days I had pain in the back legs, coinciding with the bladder meridians.
twenty-fifth day since I woke up with more energy, I began to clean the weeds from the patio. At eleven o'clock I start a crisis of expectoration, as had been happening for several days, always at the same time, where green mucus spit, you taste that makes me want to vomit. In the afternoon I took an apple juice with seven drops of sodium diclorito. Today I went to the baths.
twenty-sixth day I woke up well during the night had sweated a lot from head to the chest, the yellow came out very strong urine, fecal matter left on a four types of worms about 10 cm but completely transparent, look like a gel, two inside you could see a thread of fecal matter in all its length, as indicating a digestive tract.
I believe that this accumulation of foreign substances into the lungs, I have it from seven years of age because at that time in the afternoon always fed me a chocolate dessert made with a pint of milk, had parasites in this area stool, which at first glance they looked in the basin, and there came some fifteen inches long. I woke up one morning with puz I covered the two eyes, takes about fifteen minutes to clean. My nose ran constantly, the church did not know how to do and I used to Zonar up, and that he had no handkerchief. As my immune system was making me crazy with the symptoms, I think this decided to accept outsiders, foreign substances to fight no more and take their energy in me growing. So ended the symptoms. Usually past fifty years, the vital energy of the person begins to wane and that's when the immune system decides to give the great battle, and that with this lower energy will not be able to live with strangers elemntos. Ahi crisis occurs, if the immune system can not overcome, there are fatal outcomes typical of fifty years. Today
is the twenty-eighth day, slept until four in the morning, quite an achievement, about twelve o'clock at night I soak transpiration upper body. Today I feel like it was done on twenty-eight day cycle, as the lunar cycle of detoxification. Yesterday I had enough energy, so I went to visit a friend in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Today is the twenty ninth day, at night I turned to wet transpiration from head to chest, my attention is the hours of 11 pm to 1 am, which corresponds to the time of maximum energy of the gallbladder. In the stool out several of these gels are transparent in my opinion are amoebas, left more than in previous times. I guess killing of parasites that explains why I feel tired, because my energy is being used for extermination.
Today is the thirtieth day, I returned to trasnpirar during the night but not so much, he turned out mucus in the stool transparenes, each day I have a little more energy.
This crisis also showed me that just as natural medicine teaches us to have a good life, teach them to have a good death. Just like my dog \u200b\u200bwho started to deteriorate gradually, until one day dawned dead, but until the last day he ate and ran. And died at his home.
A good death is in my opinion, be in a house surrounded by loved ones, meeting the basic needs of the body, such as drinking water, urinating, defecating and if the immune system can not play with what you fight, just the energy that gives us life is removed. But we are not cut, irradiated in strange rooms with people who do not know, do not ask you if you were a body or urine, with scents that attack the lungs, with analysis of all types that serve only to get worse to the family and patients when they see the face with their loved ones.
Today is the day thirty-one, decided not to take more drops MMS and think that just drops the apple and it disgusts me. I reread my teachers Lezaeta Luis Kuhne and Acher and both agree to do bathrooms derivatives, natural pouring water over the genitals, to derive toxic substances from the lungs downward. When I did the bathroom genital, then I started to have lots of noises in the intestines, as if to undermine the internal fever began to work better the digestive system.
Today is the day thirty-four, still sweating at night between the hours of midnight. Since I can not sleep after the one o'clock, in my opinion it is related to the liver, then last night to take a half of lemon with a tablespoon of olive oil and half a teaspoon of honey, put it in a cup and mix it add hot water. Take and I slept with a hot water bottle in the liver. I woke up at three o'clock, I returned to take the same, I slept and slept until 6 am. Quite an achievement. During the morning was like a strong flu-like detox Take a broth of vegetables instead of fruits to alkalize the blood I felt tired the afternoon started to gather leaves in the garden and as I felt good I started to cut the grass as there were so many leaves, I had to shake and clean the blade holder about thirty times, did not feel tired, I could not believe it was a miracle.
treintacinco Today is the day, the day before and had supper at six o'clock in the afternoon, at night I take the lemon with olive oil, hot water and honey and I slept on the side of the liver with a hot water bottle . When I woke up at one o'clock I returned to take the same preparation and I slept till five, quite an achievement.
This morning went well formed stool with dark bile, indicating that there was not like before, was very clear and with fecal matter were such that they show clear mucus in the photo.
In my opinion this kind of parasites or amoebas were obstructing the liver so bile do not let them out, taking the olive oil with lemon is assisting the liver or the gallbladder to cough. Today is the day
thirty-six, and sweat less at night but after one I could not sleep the day before I was with a lot of energy, his voice a little hoarse. As
not know if I'll be to tell the story (not one of us know), I'll put in the blog this crisis but not yet finished, do not go to be to stay in draft form.
The number of parasites produce toxins that can lead to a depletion of bone marrow.