Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dzseki Hard Core Foto

Walking in La Coruña

A big hug to fellow Corunna.

The struggle continues!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How Much Is A Chopper Bicycle For A Female

"Journalists or vigilantes?

By Ruben Amon
Correspondent of The World in Paris.

reporters posing as a girl of 12 years on the net and attracted predators.

Should a journalist police surrender pedophiles who confessed confidentially? The issue shaking French opinion after premiered on public television a hidden camera report on pedophilia. Continue reading ...

reporters posing as a girl of 12 years on the net and attracted predators. It was quite easy to set up an appointment.
also surprised by the coldness of pedophiles when were unmasked by journalists. To the extent that any incorrigible behavior recognized and admitted that he was going to commit a crime at the expense of a minor.
To avoid this, the authors of "The Departed", nickname of the program undertaken by the agency Capa, decided to draw to the police the identity of 22 pedophiles "confessed." Including a council of the UMP (the ruling party), which had cited the alleged 12 year old girl to engage in an intimate relationship in the strict underground.
may fall two years in prison on account of such a crime - "sexual proposition to a child under 15 years" - but the righteous attitude of "The Departed" has caused an extraordinary stir. The daily Libération devoted its cover to the debate and lamented that the framers of the report, submitted by David Pujadas, had uncovered the sources, neglected the duty of secrecy and supplanted the role for the police.
had no choice? Capa agency was aware of the risks involved and the connotations ethical, but has subordinated any ethical slogan of the evidence and imminence of a crime was committed. Among other reasons because it advertised and it boasted some of the pedophiles interviewed.
not forget that French law could be accused of complicity in the crime to the makers of "The Departed." Even knowing that it would commit a serious crime, antepondrían privilege. Like the priest in the confessional or the psychiatrist on the couch.
Had been tempted by silence, the penalty would reach up to three years in prison. That is where they could now stay the 22 pedophiles in court proving his guilt or observe closely the confessions of "The Departed."

debate remains hot. Among other reasons because the union of Journalists (SNJ) reminded the authors of the report that have become police auxiliaries that have used an anomaly advantageous to locate the offenders. Concerns that have used a hidden camera and have become a legitimate draft program on pedophilia in the guise of a hunt. Without fear to denounce their own sources.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Trunks Vs Vegeta Doujishi

is encouraging many to become "journalist" permissive

Many people are getting into the media as a "journalist" and "journalists" motivated by other "colleagues" that eventually been accumulating wealth in the year, despite poor wages paid to informers in the Dominican Republic.

These new reporters use as a fundamental and inseparable part of work lies and defamation. They are spokespersons, echoes and influential puppet who sponsor their services sectors in order to become advocates for their interests but are incurred in injustice. Continue reading ...

pseudoperiodistas These are everywhere: on radio, television, newspapers and even blogs and websites. Many claim to be honorable and speak the truth. Seek to mock and to involve ordinary people.

Thus, many young people are motivated to study media because they see the race as a showcase for economic welfare.

Behind has been the idea that journalism should be a profession of honesty and commitment to social change, their contributions and legacies.

Plug In Wireless Booster

By Emely Tueni

People working in the media should have a large dose of human sensitivity, more charity towards others when commenting dirty even psychologically affect people who are verbally destroyed. Continue reading ...

When a government can afford to take the media as a tool to insult people known in various areas of our society, is guilty of degrading the same situation to get this, then do not count the arguments needed to stop annoying situations that ultimately damaged reputations.
Freedom of speech does not entitle the ground pulling the honor to anyone, verbally and constantly harass people in public, in most of the time, in improper and outrageous.
is wrong to say-or believe-that the lack of respect on the radio and television in the country are produced only in a particular program, because it is not so.
radio and television media have become full of shame, of evil, where the verbal insult is degrading to any human being and should be unacceptable.
Nobody has the right to bring to spotlight the personal to anyone, even if it is a prostitute, a homosexual or what he pleases. The private life of each person is just that: private.
If a public figure committed a crime or is involved in a scandal, of course the media should inform, but never with hatred, rage toward the person who is indicated as a perpetrator of acts outside the law .
People working in the media should have a large dose of human sensitivity, more charity towards others when making nasty remarks which can psychologically affect even people who are verbally destroyed.

Many radio and television programs that use profanity and simply devoted to the work of snipers of any person who stands out.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Men With Walking Aid Clipart Black And White

communication are gaining a salary paying our taxes for doing nothing

Vulgarity has wrapped our means of communication with the rampant use of language by those who are called to guide the population. The institution must punish the irresponsible daily assault on our families with their bad words are in complete limbo and arms crossed. Continue reading ...

supposed that the National Commission of Public Entertainment and Radio have to be a permanent guard and language content that is broadcast by any media in the Dominican Republic, but the truth is that nobody knows what the members are dedicating this ineffective organization, which only contributes to swell the national list, as only its chairman, Oquendo Medina, pocketed monthly sum of RD $ 60,080.80.

We might think that the people who make the CNEPR are taking a salary without doing anything.

There is a regulation that mandates who preside over this body, to pay quarterly report of all that there is executed. No one has reported anything about it. The people know the operations carried out by the National Commission of Public Entertainment and Radio. Meanwhile, our children continue listening through the radio, they should not, and watching on television, objectionable images.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Showering Before Waxing?

In the Dominican Republic is not exercised freely

is not true that there is full freedom of expression in the Dominican Republic. It is true that the country is very advanced in that regard. That today are fewer journalists murdered and disappeared, yes, but still remain influential sectors camouflaged as "tolerant" in one way or another seek to censure journalistic works that affect them. Continue reading ...

In this way, disrespect and ridicule the practice of journalism and the journalist himself, which is treated as a metal worker of the eighteenth century by many politicians of all parties, religious, military and business, touting a living the four winds that respect all currents of thought that support freedom of speech and to congratulate the journalist in his day. This is a vile falsehood.

Since the community to address a difficult issue that touches their interests, instantly journalist win an enemy or a danger of losing their jobs. Plain and simple, regardless of their honesty and experience.
sometimes get a call from a "colleague has" who makes a few bucks in an institution exercising relations, who tries to censor a subject that affects their employers. That is, at times, ourselves, journalists, we are inconsiderate.

Jammed Knee And Ankle

journalism social pages of newspapers Dominicans are racist, discriminatory and classist

Most of the journalists covering the social pages of newspapers Dominicans have several guidelines that can not fail to comply "with instructions from above", if want their reports and briefing notes are distributed.

These "lines and stripes" are: not photograph very dark-skinned people-like "chop", women with braided hair and long fingernails, people with plastic cups, poorly dressed, classless, dull or carry. Continue reading ...

The social partners have their exceptions, obviously, if we are talking about a foreign character, or Creole classless, who has money or constant struggle to overcome it and it became a popular phenomenon, as Sammy Sosa, for example, that does not go unnoticed by the camera lens.

These instructions make the social pages of the Dominican newspapers and magazines of this type, discriminatory and gray spaces. We think that these projects are being run by mediocre without soul or heart, people looking to believe that the bourgeois sectors predominate in the country.

is important to remind the editors of social class is not bought with money, that money is not synonymous with class, people are not judged by the color of their skin and appearance, we live in a nation of mulattos and that we are a mixture of ethnicities, and that this discriminatory action is disgusting and embarrassing.

Uncensored Doujinshi Read Online

new generation of young, more A social commitment

A new generation of young rebels, mostly middle class, has risen and come forward to assume positions involved in defending the country's best interests, thus demonstrating that not everything in us is lost and that we can launch into the streets to protest for our rights and duties are no longer caught by oligarchy misusing their complicity and support of those who govern us. Continue reading ...

The protests against the installation of a cement plant near the National Park Haitises, and the walk is from Santo Domingo to Cotuí protest the Barrick Gold, are two examples of that new generations have decided to empower ourselves in our own way and in harmony with the pace of life today, without losing our essence and without violating the laws .

country benefits from the voluntary and ethical demands made by our young people to achieve a just and free society, harmonious and healthy living.