Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Men With Walking Aid Clipart Black And White

communication are gaining a salary paying our taxes for doing nothing

Vulgarity has wrapped our means of communication with the rampant use of language by those who are called to guide the population. The institution must punish the irresponsible daily assault on our families with their bad words are in complete limbo and arms crossed. Continue reading ...

supposed that the National Commission of Public Entertainment and Radio have to be a permanent guard and language content that is broadcast by any media in the Dominican Republic, but the truth is that nobody knows what the members are dedicating this ineffective organization, which only contributes to swell the national list, as only its chairman, Oquendo Medina, pocketed monthly sum of RD $ 60,080.80.

We might think that the people who make the CNEPR are taking a salary without doing anything.

There is a regulation that mandates who preside over this body, to pay quarterly report of all that there is executed. No one has reported anything about it. The people know the operations carried out by the National Commission of Public Entertainment and Radio. Meanwhile, our children continue listening through the radio, they should not, and watching on television, objectionable images.


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