Thursday, October 28, 2010

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kidney stones in the gallbladder meridian bottom

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The gallbladder meridian passes through the articulation of the femur hip, on both sides (left and right), this could be the reason why so many people have a problem in that joint, as the toxins move through the meridian, some traveling and other get stuck and remain, such as very acidic are destroying the joint.
The video of the previous post is seen as passing through the hip to the tailbone and then descends down the side of the leg. This also could explain the pain of sciatica that plague many people, I think those people if they make a light diet for the liver and gallbladder, then sciatica pain would improve.
The gallbladder meridian ends in the fourth toe and another branch ends on the inside of the finger big toe, coinciding with the liver meridian. If we go corns, calluses or fungus on the fourth toe nail or the inside of the thumb, keep in mind that the cause of the problem is not the mushrooms, but are the toxins leaving gallbladder meridian around, some in the form of corns or calluses, leaving toxins in some cases breed fungi are those whose food toxins. So when antifungal chemicals are used, they kill fungi for a while, but as toxins are leaving the meridian, shortly reappear fungi.
Some show me a place that hurts or they leave a stain and when I say that is something related to the gallbladder, I say no longer have the gall, that does not mean you have the gall bladder meridian, the meridian is still in place but more invonvenientes as its main element is no longer.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

11 Week Old Baby Phelgm

gallbladder meridian top The image belongs to and the video is on google. Look
the travel made by the meridian in the head, when circulating toxins by the gallbladder meridian due to some food that we fell ill, we may hurt several places where it passes the meridian, it can give headache on the sides of the same, we can throb in their eyes and / or in the ears, neck pain, shoulder pain, pain near armpit, pain in the union of the femur with the hip, pain in the coccyx.
In my case when I eat something I do not like the liver, the first thing I feel is pain at the top of the femur in his right leg, then I feel sometimes like the pain goes down the outer side right leg.
input Look how he does in the face, it coincides with the entries that some men have in her hair. Relationship is likely to have entries in the hair with a malfunction of the gallbladder.
Sometimes we complain of muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders and the same may be due to the circulation and deposit of toxins, and that there gallbladder meridian passes ..
Ringing in the ears and flashes of light in the eyes may also be due to a malfunction of the gallbladder.
The video dot lines correspond to the internal circulation of the meridian, the line continues to the outermost circulation.

Monday, October 18, 2010

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After Healing crisis with mercury amalgam

After the healing crisis I had, which lasted forty-nine days and some more, I find myself with very good energy, I sleep well. Markedly improved the quality of fecal matter as it comes with good consistency and a look at these, indicating a better bowel function. Note that greatly improved my nervous system as a reckless move that I made, I began to half centimeter another car and had to maneuver the car under the midday sun as directed by a man, after leaving gracefully, I realized I had not transpired, I had been nervous, I had not changed, the heart was beating normally.
The gums do not bleed me for now are not stains on the back.
still out as bits of mucous in the stool. Also down about 5 kg of weight especially in the hips area (in my opinion this area is related to vesicle), which were very welcome.
My mom told me I could not believe it was so bad after what I had seen, as one friend told me. If you read the entry where I describe the healing crisis I had, all we did was to rest, eat very little, drink water and trust that my body was doing the best I could to heal and cleanse, but until the last days of the crisis did not know if I could solve it, because the body and the immune system have a limit of intoxication.
important thing when a healing crisis as being a cold, fever, malaise, depression, fatigue, flu-like states, is to rest, eat very light and little, if no bowel movement, an enema with lukewarm water two experts or natural, afford to be without strength and not feel like doing anything. Just as when we burn we know that the body will take to heal sunburn and skin closure, so we also know that when we break a bone and if it puts in place, is the body that deals with welding the bone, so we also have to trust that when we have a healing crisis is the body that will take care of repairs, provided that even possible and if it is not possible we will have a decent game, with little pain, in the company of loved ones and in environments whose energies are pleasing to us as being our home.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bilder Tiffany Towers

Many studies lead dental amalgams containing mercury are not recommended, as are laying off over time toxins that poison our blood.
'm not in favor of all amalgams removed at once, as there is a protocol for removing amalgams, so that the crush Sean sucks in some way and not going through saliva inside our body. There are few dentists who know how to do the procedure. For removal of amalgam must internalize the method and get a dentist who knows what to do.
I know of a friend who had amalgams removed the common method and had an extreme degree of intoxication, had a rash all over her face and neck that left him raw.
I know another lady that changing amalgam of lead with other white, soon showed some cracks, and had to change it using anesthesia. So in these cases the remedy was worse than the disease. Furthermore
also know if a dentist that amalgam is removed the pain had ended at the knees.
believe that if we have symptoms that bother us, that you first use hydrotherapy to remove toxins (sitz bath, rubbing with the towel, foot baths). and if the symptoms do not subside find the right dentist for extraction of amalgam.
There is a page that deals with the subject

Also when for some reason have to change some amalgam, do we put the white ones that do not contain mercury.