The gallbladder meridian passes through the articulation of the femur hip, on both sides (left and right), this could be the reason why so many people have a problem in that joint, as the toxins move through the meridian, some traveling and other get stuck and remain, such as very acidic are destroying the joint.
The video of the previous post is seen as passing through the hip to the tailbone and then descends down the side of the leg. This also could explain the pain of sciatica that plague many people, I think those people if they make a light diet for the liver and gallbladder, then sciatica pain would improve.
The gallbladder meridian ends in the fourth toe and another branch ends on the inside of the finger big toe, coinciding with the liver meridian. If we go corns, calluses or fungus on the fourth toe nail or the inside of the thumb, keep in mind that the cause of the problem is not the mushrooms, but are the toxins leaving gallbladder meridian around, some in the form of corns or calluses, leaving toxins in some cases breed fungi are those whose food toxins. So when antifungal chemicals are used, they kill fungi for a while, but as toxins are leaving the meridian, shortly reappear fungi.
Some show me a place that hurts or they leave a stain and when I say that is something related to the gallbladder, I say no longer have the gall, that does not mean you have the gall bladder meridian, the meridian is still in place but more invonvenientes as its main element is no longer.