Thursday, October 21, 2010

11 Week Old Baby Phelgm

gallbladder meridian top The image belongs to and the video is on google. Look
the travel made by the meridian in the head, when circulating toxins by the gallbladder meridian due to some food that we fell ill, we may hurt several places where it passes the meridian, it can give headache on the sides of the same, we can throb in their eyes and / or in the ears, neck pain, shoulder pain, pain near armpit, pain in the union of the femur with the hip, pain in the coccyx.
In my case when I eat something I do not like the liver, the first thing I feel is pain at the top of the femur in his right leg, then I feel sometimes like the pain goes down the outer side right leg.
input Look how he does in the face, it coincides with the entries that some men have in her hair. Relationship is likely to have entries in the hair with a malfunction of the gallbladder.
Sometimes we complain of muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders and the same may be due to the circulation and deposit of toxins, and that there gallbladder meridian passes ..
Ringing in the ears and flashes of light in the eyes may also be due to a malfunction of the gallbladder.
The video dot lines correspond to the internal circulation of the meridian, the line continues to the outermost circulation.


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