Thursday, December 16, 2010

Selina Beautiful Agony

Overall organs are reflected in the eyes. Black in China this medicine related to the kidney, in my opinion the pupil, the black color is related to the kidney, I remember the case of a person that when you take the picture had a dilated pupil, before long goodbye kidney gravel.
The white color in Chinese medicine is related to the lung would be represented in the sclera is the white of the eye. People who drink alcohol or eat sweet things, the toxins pass into the lungs and this is inflamed, this manifests as redness of the sclera.
The green color corresponds to the liver would be related to the iris of the eye. They may have blue eyes, green, brown, but the lack of clarity in the same or fouling stains and other signs, indicate that the liver is not functioning at full capacity, usually due to the toxicity of toxins ingested with food.
The red color corresponds to the heart would be related to the base of the lashes, many people who drink this area are very red.
The first area around the pupil it is related to the-spleen-stomach pancras, when it appears white, indicating an irritation or inflammation of those organs.
The second zone around the pupil is related to the intestines, from there, towards the periphery brown rays that indicate toxins out of the bowels, and target different organs.


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