small intestine related to heart and kidney related Asco
One man said he had areas near the elbows, chapped and it stung quite a lot, also said that when he took a glass of wine, he grabbed colitis. This gentleman a few years ago while doing sports, had a heart problem.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow passes the meridian of the small intestine, the more likely is that any food or drink (flour, milk, alcohol, etx) this irritating the walls of the small intestine and these toxins are somewhere in the meridian, such as on the elbows, to be toxic damage the skin and itchy, wanting to scratch for what this comes down there. The organ in Chinese medicine associated with the small intestine is the heart. This means that the toxins that affect the small intestine can affect the heart. It is typical that people with a bloated ball type, which would indicate an inflammation of the intestine, have a heart attack.
about eight years ago, I had roughly the elbow, in that area the skin was thicker, and harder.
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