Fred Figglehorn (Lucas Cruikshank) has a crush on Judy (Pixie Lott), his neighbor. The "bully" in the neighborhood who lives on the street, Kevin (Jake Weary), Fred frustrates attempts to conquer it. When Fred finally manages to succeed in attending to his house to meet her, discovers that Judy has moved.
He decides to embark on a journey in search, is to Derf (also played by Cruikshank), whose relaxed personality contrasts with Fred's hyperactive behavior. Although Fred's adventure takes him out across the city, he discovers that Judy has moved very close to home.
During his ego, Fred receives a "coup" when he discovers that Judy made a party that was not invited, which he attended but accidentally vomit on it, because of the sardine cans that had eaten earlier. The next day Kevin posted a video of Fred remained ill at Judy's party in "GlooTube." Fred then find an idea and put together a plan for revenge and impress your classmates. He invites her best friend, Bertha (Jennette McCurdy) to a party that refuses to carry out and invite anyone who attended the party Judy. Bertha wears clothes and wigs of his mother and makes it look like there are hundreds of people at that party. Carried footage of these and pretending to make mischief in the party, like throwing cakes at the ball. He sent his video to the Internet and popularity skyrocket Fred. Judy
then appears in his house to sing with him. Start screaming, giving way to the movie. Is revealed after the father of Fred (John Cena) is not dead or in jail as his mother (Siobhan Fallon Hogan) had said, and lived near Fred all the time.
He decides to embark on a journey in search, is to Derf (also played by Cruikshank), whose relaxed personality contrasts with Fred's hyperactive behavior. Although Fred's adventure takes him out across the city, he discovers that Judy has moved very close to home.
During his ego, Fred receives a "coup" when he discovers that Judy made a party that was not invited, which he attended but accidentally vomit on it, because of the sardine cans that had eaten earlier. The next day Kevin posted a video of Fred remained ill at Judy's party in "GlooTube." Fred then find an idea and put together a plan for revenge and impress your classmates. He invites her best friend, Bertha (Jennette McCurdy) to a party that refuses to carry out and invite anyone who attended the party Judy. Bertha wears clothes and wigs of his mother and makes it look like there are hundreds of people at that party. Carried footage of these and pretending to make mischief in the party, like throwing cakes at the ball. He sent his video to the Internet and popularity skyrocket Fred. Judy
then appears in his house to sing with him. Start screaming, giving way to the movie. Is revealed after the father of Fred (John Cena) is not dead or in jail as his mother (Siobhan Fallon Hogan) had said, and lived near Fred all the time.
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