Usually when we are intoxicated with some food, the body is sending cleaned toxins out. In general, rash on arms flows. One reason is that the arms pass the large intestine meridian and the meridian of the small intestine in cases of poisoning among the first victims are the intestines so the eruption comes out in her arms. Due to the intoxication affected are the liver, spleen and kidneys are the organs responsible for processing these toxins, for that reason rash appears on the inside of the legs is the place where they spend the meridians of liver, spleen and kidneys.
The other day a little girl of three was intoxicated with cold cuts, he gushed spots on the arms, anterior and posterior to the inside of the legs. To remove the toxins faster, wrap with a damp cloth from the armpits to the bottom, like a cigar, wrapping up a blanket or something polar type of wool. Allow an hour and then remove.
The other day a little girl of three was intoxicated with cold cuts, he gushed spots on the arms, anterior and posterior to the inside of the legs. To remove the toxins faster, wrap with a damp cloth from the armpits to the bottom, like a cigar, wrapping up a blanket or something polar type of wool. Allow an hour and then remove.
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