Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Does Scorpio Men Like To Flirt

half dulce de leche pancakes with banana and I felt I did not like. The flavor was telling me that he was unfit for my body. When he started to itch a lot in the calf near the heel. I spent a damp cloth and calm itching. Half an hour later I returned to spend the damp cloth and finish the burning. The next day a red spot appeared in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small intestine below the navel. At 24 hours gone.
What I ate was apparently toxic to my small intestine, part of the body refer you to the skin in the bladder meridian causing itching. Party went on the skin over the area of \u200b\u200bthe small intestine. Note that I always tend to have thick calves, that indicates it is a place that my body tends to accumulate toxins and in this case the bag out.
have to be happy when a rash as this indicates that the body's elimination system is working well, it helps clean damp cloth passing through the area every half hour and letting it air dry. Look how this system of elimination usually occurs in children who have greater power than adults.


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