Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Internet Banking Of Sbi Wikipedia

A reader writes

Greetings Maria Cristina,

As many Dominicans have had the opportunity to read his writings through his blog (http://enrredarte.blogspot.com), to read me full of joy because I see in you a voice that really expresses what a journalist should read and / or do in these difficult times we live in the nation. In my view the journalistic career is a practice to collect, synthesize and express issues of the day with the aim of providing information, although this is conditional on an agreement of professional anti room or agreement.
take this medium to congratulate you, tell you further that you account with a loyal ally who is the people we need more serious and capable journalists - like you-that you see the noblest expression of the exercise of such a brilliant career and who also the pen is raised every time you compose eloquent articles (eg http://enrredarte.blogspot.com/2011/01/los-pueblos-dormidos-estan-despertando.html), also knows he can count on the people , our country is awakening, not far when people like you "honest and honorable, dreams and struggles, famine and faith" (from the article http://enrredarte.blogspot.com/2011/01/ the-actors-asesinos.html) recovered the Republic of Duarte and make a country more just, more humane, more democratic (but a real democracy, I do not mean this dump we have). Never before have we been so close to the bottom and yet so close to coming out of the abyss, the days of traditional parties are numbered.

Finally, the Republic will be by and for Dominicans, a thousand congratulations, may God continue to guide.


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